Hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer and more hand sanitizer
The last few weeks have been crazy in several ways. Partly SARS-COV-2 which causes COVID-19, or in popular colloquialism corona which spread across the world and developed into a pandemic. For our store, this suddenly resulted in a huge increase in the number of hand sanitizer orders. Percentage wise, we increased our order intake by several thousand percent from one hour to the next. We normally keep a close eye on what we have in stock and what we don't have in stock, many products on the site have about a day's delay in our stock status and as soon as it starts to run out we buy in new so it's never a problem. Not entirely unexpectedly, it became a problem when the volume increased in this way. It didn't help that the orders that were on their way to us were redirected to care. We were left with a rather difficult situation. Now we have caught up and know what it looks like. The vast majority of customers have been satisfied with our way of handling it where we tried to inform as best as possible and others have been a little dissatisfied and a few more dissatisfied. It feels good to look forward to our other products.