What is elastomer wool?
There are several different pads for medical use, which are also sometimes called swaddling clothes. Among other things, elastic bandages, fixation bandages, gauze bandages, compression bandages and also elastomer wool. Elastomull actually says more about what the pad is made of than what it does. Elastomull is a bandage with a high cotton content. The high cotton content makes it comfortable to wear and allows good mobility and reduces the tendency to sweat. The most common area of use is for fixing compresses and absorbent bandages, a so-called gauze pad. These can come in slightly different designs. Some tampons in elastomer wool are self-adhesive and do not require tape or the like to apply. But there are also pads that are not self-adhesive and can then be a little easier to get in place without it getting stuck while applying the dressing. Elasto wool is available from several different manufacturers, including Leukoplast and BSN Medical.